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The Centrifugal Force is a Real Force and Not a Fictitious Force

It is posited by mainstream physics that the centrifugal force is not a real force but rather a fictitious force. For a complete explanation, please review the videos as presented below

Now, please refer to this second set of videos.

If one accepts the false premise that there is no centrifugal force, then what you have just witnessed in the above second set of videos is unfeasible, again, by employing the laws of modern physics. Consequently, the builders of such devices often, but not always, hypothesize convoluted and sometimes nonsensical ideas as to just how these novel inventions function, which are subsequently ridiculed by mainstream science. So even though these creations obviously work as shown, they are still ignored.

So, to bypass this predicament, the author hypothecates the following.

The author posits, by using the concept of the ether, exactly how one can give explanation to a true centrifugal force which can be found in Division A of the essay at Hopefully, the reader will then have the impetus to read, moreover, evaluate the paper titled The Ether, which can be accessed at the This site explains relativity as a function of the ether, an alternative to Einstein’s relativity (no ether). Fundamentally, if there is an ether, one can explain the existence of the centrifugal force. Now, the above second set of videos make sense.

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