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Inertial Propulsion without a Propellent

Scientific paradigm shift theories are exceedingly rare, but when they arise there is usually extreme opposition to their acceptance. There is resistance from mainstream physicists to new ideas from a novice, who is not part of their hierarchy, resistance from industry related to new inventions that destroy profits, resistance from the military in order to sequester for advantage, and finally, and most importantly, resistance from the true hidden deep state governments in order to maintain the central control mechanisms over their populations. For instance, Copernicus was executed, Galileo was imprisoned, Tesla and Laithwaith were ridiculed, and Newton required the safeguard of the nobility before introducing his ideas in Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica .

There is a saying,” If one cannot learn from history, then one is condemned to repeat it.” But the fact is the only thing we really learn from history is that we do not know the real history or learn from history; therefore, we repeat it (Voltaire). In essence, even in modern times, obvious scientific truths are often still repressed.

So too it is with the conception of inertial propulsion without a propellent as now imparted.

Most physicists/scientists presuppose that there is no ether. It is my intent to show that there is indeed an ether elucidated by the following discussion/videos relevant to the idea/notion of inertial/reactionless propulsion.

Inertial propulsion without a propellant has been claimed by many inventers. Nevertheless, since this concept violates the irrefutable laws of physics, it is assumed by most present-day scientists that this is not even possible. The reasoning is as follows: Modern-day physics hypothecates there is no true centrifugal force. It is only a fictitious force. Because of this assumption, inertial propulsion cannot exist. In essence, a closed system cannot exert a net force upon itself. On the other hand, if you view the videos at the following websites, you will note it is obviously not a fictitious force, but rather a real force.

Now, regarding this article, the author intends to show in the latter half how one can utilize that just observed in the videos to then construct a reactionless drive spacecraft. If so, then the classic laws of physics regarding the fictitious centrifugal are in erratum

For further clarification and illumination, visualize the translational motion of the devices you have just witnessed in the videos as just presented, moreover, specifically in only one axis. Notice, the devices cannot move in the other two axes, due to the wheels-blocking effect, and the Earth’s surface/gravity, again a blocking effect—therefore, leaving the original one-axis motion on the Earth’s surface intact.

Now instead, envision being positioned in outer space, whereby with the use of multiple similar devices, there is then employed counteracting three-dimensional mirror image anti-symmetry (two separate platforms with counteracting symmetry in three dimensions). As a result, this function leaves the original one axis translational motion intact but negates all motion in the other two axes somewhat analogous to the above website videos. This is essentially inertial propulsion without a propellant. If so, then the classic laws of physics regarding the fictitious centrifugal force is in erratum—it is a real force. Again, this article with additional detailed explanations, as well as three-dimensional illustrations /projections, can be found at the website

If one accepts the false idea that there is no centrifugal force then what you have just witnessed in the above videos is unfeasible, again employing the laws of modern physics. Therefore, the builders of the above devices often but not always posit convoluted and sometimes nonsensical ideas as to just how the above inventions function, which are then ridiculed by mainstream science. So even though the inventions obviously work as shown, they are still ignored. So, to bypass this predicament, the author hypothecates the following.

The author posits, by using the concept of the ether, exactly how one can give explanation to a true centrifugal force which can be found at section A again at the website Hopefully, the reader will then have the impetus to read, moreover, evaluate the paper titled The Ether, which can be found at the additional website This site explains relativity as a function of the ether, an alternative to Einstein’s relativity (no ether).

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