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Einstein and the Ether

Physicists through the years, from Newton to Einstein, have offered up contradictory attitudes towards ether. First, they’d say that it had to exist (1800s); then they’d say that it did not (Michaelson Morley/Relativity); and then, again, that ether could exist, but that the equations would exist without it, so it wasn’t necessary to take it into account. In reference to that last opinion, Einstein said:

“We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether.”

So, he redefines the new “ether” as those physical properties. It is not conventional to use the word “ether” in this way; instead, we just speak of the properties of space (and “space-time”).

There’s more. See below.

Definition of Higgs Field

A physical field that endows elementary particles with mass and that is mediated by the Higgs boson = part of empty space (vacuum).

Definition of the Ether (Aether)

In the late 19th century, luminiferous aether (or ether), meaning light-bearing aether, was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light = part of empty space (vacuum).

Note, these two definitions are both properties of empty space (vacuum). I will show how the Higgs field of empty space gives rise to the inertial mass of matter and, furthermore, the “rate of time” of matter, including the observers “rate of time.” Then this author will show how the observer’s “rate of time” determines the velocity of light as perceived by the observer using two different distinct definitions of distance.

1. Distance as a function of motion D = r x t (which involves the observer’s “rate of time” where "rate of time" is a variable). This is defined as motion distance since motion always involves time. This definition of distance involves motion (time) through space.

2. Distance as a function of the length of measured physical matter by a ruler (which is a constant). The is defined as the measuring stick distance, which does not involve time.

It is even more complicated since the original definition of a meter was as measured length of matter with no time factor (measuring stick distance). Presently, a meter is defined as 1/299,792,458 of the distance light travels in a vacuum in one second, again a function of rate of time (motion distance). In my opinion, this new redefinition of a meter involving time (motion distance) rather than physical length of measured matter (measuring stick distance) is a fundamental error, moreover, a key concept regarding the understanding and acceptance of the author’s new theory (PFSRT).

For the reader, here is a key query: Regarding the equations of Einstein’s SRT, is the mathematical distance symbol used equivalent to the motion distance, the measuring stick distance, or both? In my opinion, Einstein incorrectly intermingled the two distinct concepts/definitions—a fundamental miscalculation.

As a result, using this new concept involving both of the above definitions, QM and relativity are unified by the existence of the properties of empty space or, by some definitions, a type of an ether.

For a complete explanation, see Chapter 1 of the book titled The Ether by Ramsey which can be found at

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